Hideharu Mikami, Ph.D.
Professor, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University
Director, Nikon Imaging Center at Hokkaido University
Mar. 2006 D. Sc., Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo (supervisor: Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi)
- Exemption to the term of the course for excellent students
Mar. 2004 M. Sc., Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo (supervisor: Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi)
Mar. 2002 B. Sc., Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
Jun. 2020 – present Professor, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
Oct. 2017 – Jun. 2021 PRESTO researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
Dec. 2014 – May. 2020 Assistant Professor (or Research Associate), Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Nov. 2012 – Nov. 2013 Assistant Specialist, University of California, Irvine, CA
Apr. 2006 – Nov. 2014 Researcher, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
Research fields
Microscopy and bioengineering: confocal microscopy, light-sheet microscopy, imaging flow cytometry, image-activated cell sorting, high-speed imaging, 3D imaging, nonlinear optical microscopy, Raman microscopy.
Computational imaging and data processing: machine learning, compressive sensing.
Applied optics: coherent optical fiber communication, optical memory, holography.
Quantum optics and quantum information.
Design/construction of florescence microscopes (confocal, light sheet, etc.), nonlinear optical microscopes, optical interferometers, optical disc heads, and optical setups of nonlinear optics and quantum optics.
Design/assembly of optical modules such as optical disc head and interferometer for optical communication.
Optical simulation based on scholar/vector diffraction theory and ray tracing.
Lens design.
Digital signal processing and image processing.
Machine learning.
Software: Mathematica, LabVIEW, VBA, SolidWorks, OpticStudio, OpTaliX, SketchUp, Weka.
2021 Photonics Encouragement Award, Japanese Society of Applied Physics
2019 Optics Paper Award, The Optical Society of Japan
2019 Best Presentation Award, SPIE Photonics West BiOS
2019 Konica Minolta Imaging Science Encouragement Award, Konica Minolta Science and Technology Foundation
2019 Excellent Research Award, Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems, Japan
2017 Optical Design Award, The Optical Society of Japan
2012 Excellent Presentation Award, The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Japan
2012 Best Academic Paper Award, International Symposium on Optical Memory
2011 Best Technical Paper Award, International Symposium on Optical Memory & Optical Data Storage
2011 Best Paper Award, International Symposium on Optical Memory & Optical Data Storage
2010 Best Paper Award, Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting
2009 Excellent Presentation Award, The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Japan
2007 Best Paper Award, Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting
2006 Repayment Exemption for Students with Excellent Grades, Japan Student Services Organization Type-I scholarship
2005 Best Student Paper Award, International Quantum Electronics Conference/Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
The Japan Neuroscience Society
The Optical Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
The Chemical Society of Japan
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers, Japan
Academic services
Program committee, SPIE Photonics West BIOS
Program committee, Optical Design and Fabrication
Referee of peer-reviewed journals: Optica, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Biomedical Optics Express, Applied Optics, RSC Advances, Cytometry Part A, Optical Review, Applied Physics Express
Apr. 2019 – Mar. 2020 Research Grant, The Precise Measurement Technology 2,000,000 yens
Mar. 2019 Konica Minolta Imaging Science Encouragement Award, Konica Minolta Science and Technology Foundation 500,000 yens
Sep. 2017 – Mar. 2021 Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO), Japan Science and Technology Agency 400,000,000 yens
Apr. 2016 – Mar. 2017 Research Grant, The Okawa Foundation 1,000,000 yens
Teaching experience (all at The Univ. of Tokyo)
Supervision of graduate/undergraduate students: two undergraduate students, 12 students in Master’s course, 6 students in Ph.D. course, one research student.
Lectures: Structural Chemistry (in English), Advanced Physical Chemistry (in English), Practice in Quantum Chemistry (in English), Introduction to Molecular Chemistry (in Japanese), First-year seminar (in Japanese).
Organizing Physical Chemistry Lab Work for undergraduate students in FY2019.