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DSC_0988 - コピー

Mikami Lab

Laboratory of Information Biophotonics

Photonics, informatics, and life sciences

We create innovative tools for life science based on photonics and informatics.

We aim to facilitate scientific discoveries and develop practical technologies.

ホーム: Welcome
ホーム: 研究

Join us!

If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to contact Dr. Mikami


2024/4/8 A new paper was published. We also made a press release.

2024/3/25 Graduation ceremony was held. congratulations to B4 and M2 students!

2024/3/25 Mr. Ryo Okuyama, B4, received the Dean of Engineering Award. Congratulations!

2024/3/25 Mr. Hiroki Yoneyama (M2) received Mikami Scholarship Award. Congratulations!

2024/1/6 Dr. B4 Okuyama gave a presentation at the 59th Hokkaido Section of the Japan Society of Applied Physics and the 20th Hokkaido Section of the Optical Society of Japan Joint Conference.

2022/12/6 M2 Hirooka, M1 Takahashi, and M1 Mugumoto gave presentations at the 24th RIES-HOKUDAI International Symposium "開", and Hirooka and Mugumoto received the Poster Award. Congratulations!

2023/11/28 Dr. Shibukawa and Dr. Ishijima gave invited talks at OPJ2023.

2023/11/27 M2 Yoneyama, M2 Hirooka, and Dr. Shibukawa gave poster presentations at Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of Japan (OPJ2023).

2023/11/21 Dr. Mikami made a presentation at 2023年度CREST「データ駆動・AI駆動を中心としたデジタルトランスフォーメーションによる生命科学研究の革新」領域キックオフシンポジウム .

2023/11/3 M2 Murayama gave a poster presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting of Bioimaging Society.

2023/10/19 Mikami's article appeared in the front column of IST NEWS, the public relations magazine of the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University.

2023/10/11 M2 Yoneyama, M1 Takahashi, and M1 Shishido presented at the 9th Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium, and M1 Shishido received the Best Poster Award. Congratulations!

2023/9/30 Job opening for Postdoctoral Fellow or Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

2023/7/27 Prof. Mikami gave a poster presentation at the 2023 Asahi Glass Foundation Grant-in-Aid Research Presentation Meeting.
2023/7/20 Prof. Mikami participated in Round Table Discussion at 2023 Nikon COE and Imaging Center Director Meeting.
2023/7/10 Assist. Prof. Ishijima gave a poster presentation at the Science Council of Japan Open Symposium "Future Society Brought by Light: Toward New Development of ICO.
2023/5/31 [Call for Application] Registration for the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bioimaging Science @ Hokkaido University (2023/11/3-5), which Dr. Mikami will chair, is now open. The deadline for application is 2023/09/13 (Wed) (2023/10/18 (Wed) for participation only).
2023/4/21 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at The Optics and Photonics International Congress (OPIC) 2023 .
2023/4/3/3 Prof. Mikami gave a presentation at Focus on Microscopy 2023.
2023/3/23 Graduation ceremony was held!
2023/3/23 Eisuke Takahashi (B4) received the Dean of Engineering Award. Congratulations!
2023/3/18 Assist. Prof. Tomina gave a special lecture at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Hokkaido Branch of the Zoological Society of Japan.
2023/3/15 Assist. Prof. Ishijima received the 53rd (Autumn 2022) Award for Encouragement of Lectures from the Japan Society of Applied Physics and gave a memorial lecture at the 70th Spring Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied Physics.
2023/2/22 Prof. Mikami presented at The University of Melbourne and Hokkaido University Workshop on Therapeutic Nanomaterials.
2022/12/19-21 Mikami gave a lecture at OPT2022 Winter Practice of Microscopy Optics from the Basics, which was held at Nikon Imaging Center, Hokkaido University as a satellite venue.
2022/12/6 Yuki Yoneyama (M1) gave a poster presentation at the 23rd RIES-HOKUDAI International Symposium "Taku" and received the Poster Award. Congratulations!
2022/11/26 Prof. Tomina gave a poster presentation at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Kochi (JSCPB2022).

11/22/2022 Prof. Mikami gave a talk at "光シート顕微鏡ワークショップ".
11/20/2022 Prof. Mikami gave a talk at the Kick-off Symposium of CREST Bio-DX.
10/28/2022 Assist. Prof. Tomina gave a research grant poster presentation at the 8th Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium and received the Gold Award.
10/28/2022 Assist. Prof. Ishijima gave an oral presentation and Hirooka, Higuchi, and Yoneyama gave poster presentations at the 8th Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium

2022/10/23 Mikami gave a lecture at "文部科学省 学術変革領域研究 2022年度市民公開シンポジウム".

10/4/2022 Shibukawa gave a presentation at the Hokkaido University New Technology Briefing Session.
9/20/2022 Prof. Mikami's research proposal was accepted by JST CREST.
9/20/2022 Assist. Prof. Ishijima gave a talk at the 83rd JSAP Annual Meeting. 

9/9/2022 Assist. Prof. Ishijima gave an invited talk at International Conference on Materials Science, Engineering & Technology.

9/1/2022 Assist. Prof. Ayumu Ishijima joined our group.

8/24/2022 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at the 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15).

8/3/2022 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at International Symposium on Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory 2022 (ISOM'22).

7/1/2022 Prof. Mikami organized a syposium and gave a talk at Neuro2022.

5/31/2022 Proj. Assist. Prof. Tomina geve an invited talk at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Developmental Biologists.

5/28/2022 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at "第32回日本サイトメトリー学会学術集会".

5/24/2022 Assoc. Prof. Shibukawa gave a talk at "JST創発的研究支援事業「融合の場」第1回公開シンポジウム(北海道地区)".

5/24/2022 Undergrad student Shon-san appeared in an introductory video for international students.

5/24/2022 Nikon Imaging Center at Hokkaido University held the 9th Fluorescence Imaging Mini-Symposium (online).

5/7/2022 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at "第4回形態解析ワークショップ".

4/1/2022 One Master's student joined our lab.

3/27/2022 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at the 172th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists.

3/24/2022 Four senior students received Bachelor degrees. Congratulations!

3/24/2022 Mr. Ryu Hirooka won the prize of Deen of Dept. of Engineering and the best student research award of bioengineering and bioinformatics. Concuratulations!

3/7/2022 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at OFC2022.

2/7/2022 Four senior students gave defense talks for their Bachelor thesis.

1/12/2022 Prof. Mikami gave a talk at the 42nd Annual Meeting of The Laser Society of Japan.

12/22/2022 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at 2021 RIES-CEFMS on-line symposium (webinar)

12/3/2022 Four junior students joined our group.

11/6/2021 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at the 6th Photonics Workshop.

​10/4/2021 Assoc. Prof. Shibukawa gave an invited talk at ISOM’21.

7/16/2021 Prof. Mikami gave a talk at "光電相互変換 第125委員会 研究会".

May. 21th, 2021, The 8th Symposium of Nicon Imaging Center has been held sccessfullly.

Apr. 1st, 2021, Associate Professor Atsushi Shibukawa and four undergraduate students joined our group.

Mar. 31st, 2021, Prof. Mikami gave a talk at the 3rd workshop of "フォトエキサイトニクス研究拠点".

Mar. 19th, 2021, Prof. Mikami received the 5th Photonics Encouragement Award. He gave a commemorative talk at the 68th JSAP Spring Meeting.

Feb. 24th, 2021 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at an ABiS Symposium

Feb. 19th, 2021 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at a workshop of Ultrahigh-resolution imaging division, The Japanese Society of Microscopy.

Jan. 1, 2021, Project Assistant Professor Yusuke Tomina joined our group.

Dec. 10, 2020, Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at RIES International Symposium.

Dec. 4, 2020, Four junior students joined our group.

Dec. 1, 2020, Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at Hikari-juku 2020.

Nov. 25, 2020 Prof. Mikami gave an invited talk at the Advanced Microscopy Technology Seminar.

Oct. 19, 2020, Prof. Mikami gave a talk at The 6th Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium.

Oct. 1, 2020, Administrative Assistant Fujiwara-san joined our group.

Sep. 9, 2020 Prof. Mikami is going to give a talk about his study of JST PRESTO in The 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan. Link

Sep. 3, 2020  A job opening for a Project Assistant Professor/Research Fellow position (deadline postponed). (closed)

Aut. 7, 2020 Prof. Mikami gave a talk at a JSAP workshop.

Jul. 28, 2020 New job openings for faculty positions (Associate Professor and Assistant Professor). (closed)

Jul. 10, 2020  A new job opening for a Project Assistant Professor/Research Fellow position. (closed)

Jul. 10, 2020 A new paper (work at UTokyo) was published in Nature Communications.  Link

Jul. 3, 2020 A new review paper (work at UTokyo) was published in Lab on a Chip. Link

Jun. 30, 2020 A new paper (work at UTokyo) was published in  Lab on a Chip. Link

Jun. 1, 2020 Prof. Mikami was appointed to the Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, and started laboratory of information biophotonics.

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